
セダ・バラ/Theda Bara(1890〜1955)

1915 Carmen  
1915 The Clemenceau Case  
1915 Destruction  
1915 The Devil's Daughter  
1915 A Fool There Was  
1915 The Galley Slave  
1915 Kreutzer Sonata クロイツエル・ソナタ
1915 Lady Audley's Secret  
1915 Sin  
1915 The Two Orphans  
1916 East Lynne  
1916 The Eternal Sappho  
1916 Gold and the Woman  
1916 Her Double Life  
1916 Romeo and Juliet ロミオとジュリエット
1916 The Serpent  
1916 Under Two Flags  
1916 The Vixen  
1917 Camille  
1917 Cleopatra クレオパトラ/シーザーの御代
1917 The Darling of Paris  
1917 Heart and Soul  
1917 Her Greatest Love  
1917 The Rose of Blood  
1917 The Tiger Woman  
1918 The Forbidden Path  
1918 Madame Du Barry  
1918 Salome サロメ
1918 The She-Devil  
1918 The Soul of Buddha  
1918 Under the Yoke  
1918 When a Woman Sins  
1919 Kathleen Mavourneen  
1919 La Belle Russe  
1919 The Light  
1919 The Lure of Ambition 野心に囚われた女
1919 The Siren's Song  
1919 When Men Desire  
1919 A Woman There Was  
1925 The Unchastened Woman  
1926 Madame Mystery  

洋画ベスト300 女優一覧 年度別ベスト3 チャップリン作品集 今日は誰の誕生日 私のベスト10

セダ・バラ/Theda Bara
