リリー・パーマー/Lilli Palmer(1914 - 1986)
1935 | Crime Unlimited | |
1936 | Secret Agent | |
1936 | Wolf's Clothing | |
1937 | Suicide Legion/Sunset in Vienna | |
1945 | Notorious Gentleman/The Rake's Progress | 艶(いろ)ごと師 |
1946 | Beware of Pity | |
1946 | Cloak and Dagger | 外套と短剣 |
1947 | Body and Soul | |
1948 | My Girl Tisa | |
1948 | No Minor Vices | |
1952 | The Four Poster | 四本柱の寝台 |
1953 | Main Street to Broadway | |
1955 | Teufel in Seide | |
1957 | Der Glaserne Turm | |
1957 | The Lovers of Montparnasse/Modigliani of Montparnasse/Montparnasse 19 | モンパルナスの灯 |
1957 | Wie ein Sturmwind | |
1959 | But Not For Me | 僕は御免だ |
1961 | The Pleasure of His Company | 結婚泥棒 |
1962 | The Counterfeit Traitor | 偽の売国奴 |
1962 | Julia, du bist zauberhaft | |
1963 | Miracle of the White Stallions | 白馬奪回作戦 |
1965 | The Amorous Adventures of Moll Flanders | モール・フランダースの愛の冒険 |
1965 | Operation Crossbow | クロスボー作戦 |
1967 | Jack of Diamonds | ダイヤモンド・ジャック |
1968 | Oedipus the King | |
1968 | Sebastian/Mr. Sebastian | |
1968 | The High Commissioner | 群衆の中の殺し屋 |
1969 | Das Ausschweifende Leben des Marquis De Sade | マクキ・ド・サド/愛欲と官能の果て /異常な快楽 |
1969 | Hard Contract | 殺人美学 |
1971 | Murders in the Rue Morgue | |
1975 | Lotte in Weimar | |
1978 | The Boys From Brazil | ブラジルから来た少年 |
1985 | The Holcroft Covenant |